WTF is a Chakra Anyway?


Don’t worry, it’s more science than hippiness.


Our cells conduct electrical currents. Electricity is required for the nervous system to send signals throughout the body + brain. There are many, but only three primary energy pathways in the body, from the root of the tailbone to the crown of the skull.

The first pathway runs vertically root to crown. The other two connect at the right + left side of the first, repeatedly crisscrossing around it.

Where the pathways intersect the energy of the three collide + centrifugal force creates a vortex of rotational energy creating a stronger energetic charge in those areas, called Chakras.

The Torus is the building block of all living organisms, so it is present in all living things.

The Torus is the building block of all living organisms, so it is present in all living things.


The heart is our power source + energetic battery. It’s also the location of our central Chakra.

Energy flows from the heart upward and out the crown + downward and out the root. With the energy continuously flowing upward + downward it wraps around us in the shape of a torus. This shape creates a self-sustaining, dynamic energy source circulating energy back into itself + us.

The environment impacts our external body which impacts our internal. Our internal body then impacts our energetic body (systems).

Our energetic body impacts our internal body, which impacts our external body. We in turn impact the environment around us. Your energy is impacting the world around you. Trippy right?

This means if any one of those elements is imbalanced (if our environment is causing dis-ease, we’re physically injured, stressed or sick) we feel the energy flux, and here lies the problem + solution.

Energy Systems + Body Systems Interact/Impact.

A balance between them will stimulate functions of all systems + an imbalance impedes them.

Each Chakra correlates with a different organ or gland of the Endocrine System.

  • Crown - Pineal Gland

  • 3rd Eye - Pituitary Gland

  • Throat- Thyroid + Parathyroid

  • Heart- Thymus

  • Solar Plexus- Pancreas

  • Sacral- Gonads

  • Root- Adrenal Glands



Autonomic Nervous System.

The primary energy pathways are also associated with the right + left hemispheres of the brain + interact with the Autonomic Nervous System (involuntary systems called Sympathetic + Parasympathetic).

Sympathetic Nervous System.

Responsible for our “fight or flight” self-defense stress response which is handy if you’re actually in danger, but it’s not designed for extended or frequent use.

  • active adrenal gland, muscles tense, pupils dilate, dry mouth, accelerated heartbeats, impaired breathing, then the crash: physical + energetic exhaustion.

Each of those functions (even our saliva) is maintained by a different system. The irony is that when the Sympathetic Nervous System is activated to keep us alive when faced with danger, all of those other systems are diverted from their primary functions that keep us alive, to enable the “fight or flight” response.

Unfortunately, stress (something none of us are short on) can also activate this response. When this happens frequently overtime, your body tries to adapt (General Adaptation Syndrome) + can straight up kill you. Yeah I said it.


Parasympathetic Nervous System.

responsible for our “rest + digest” self-maintence. When this is activated our systems can focus on their primary indispensable functions.

  • heartbeats regulate, blood + oxygen flow throughout the body, muscles release tension + even saliva glands regulate.

This is our physical homeostasis- balance in primary functions working together to keep us alive.

It’s all connected.

Each piece is vital to the functions of the others. True homeostasis involves the balance of them all.

To revive the balance, we utilize the same connection that impedes us. If stressing can impact our breathing, than our breathing can impact our stress. We can manipulate the energy flow with intentional dynamic movements + breath-work to encourage optimum energy flow + activate the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

When the energy is flowing with equal force both upwards + downwards the torus thrives, YOU thrive.


“The underlying structure of the Torus is the Vector Equilibrium.

It is the blueprint by which

nature forms energy into matter.

-Arthur Young - Scientist + Philosopher