

*Yogi AF offerings include, but are not limited to, the types of workouts listed below. These practices are complex by nature, so these descriptions are meant only to inform.

Vinyasa Yoga.

Vinyasa Yoga is distinguished by the variety of poses used to create unique sequences and utilized breath-work to flow through those restorative sequences.

Unlike other types of yoga that repeat poses in the same order every practice, Vinyasa adapts throughout to meet you wherever you need.

Each pose is connected to the next through dynamic transitions. Transitional movements are coordinated with Ujjayi breath, a technique of inhaling and exhaling rhythmically through the nose.


In society we’re taught to seek external ways to heal ourselves, but in BUTI we believe the only true cure comes from within. The word “Buti” means “a cure that has been hidden or kept secret”. The practice of BUTI Yoga helps people strip away the layers that hide this cure to bring about total transformation.


BUTI Yoga.

BUTI Yoga is a soulful blend of yoga, deep abdominal toning, dynamic and plyometric strength + conditioning, and primal movement HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) using music to drive the energy of the practice.

This all-in-one workout facilitates both internal + external transformations. The movement methodology- the shaking, spiraling, and even the occasional rebel yell- all help to clear stuck energy, push your body into a heightened metabolic state, tap into an inner strength and unleash your WILD.

Hot BUTI Yoga.

Hot BUTI Yoga places an emphasis on yoga, spiraling, deep abdominal toning, primal movement, and dynamic strength + conditioning without the cardiovascular plyometric elements you find in a non-heated BUTI Yoga practice.

We’ll slow it down and heat. it. up.

Bring your water, but leave your judgments at home. Dressing appropriately facilitates the body in our natural cooling system. This is no time to be modest, dress for the heat- maybe show some cheek. Drink water well before you practice Hot BUTI Yoga. Practicing dehydrated then chugging water right before is a Scooby-Don’t.


Release the inhibitions + expectations. Connect with You.



HIIT it + Quit it.

High Intensity Interval Training is a cardiovascular exercise strategy that incorporates strength training to build muscles. This practice alternates Hi-Intensity bursts of exercise + Lo-Intensity intervals of active recovery.

Physically pushing yourself to perform at YOUR maximum intensity is intentionally exhausting. Each burst your also asking your body to push through that exhaustion. This conditions your body to perform, increases caloric burn + encourages your body to burn fat for energy.

We get short of breath with intense activity because our bodies are using more oxygen. This increases our metabolism during exercise. It also takes an excess of oxygen consumption for our bodies to return systems to homeostasis + recover from exercise. This means our bodies maintain an increased metabolic rate during our recovery- after the workout.

After Burn.

Abs + A$$.

All of the muscles that make up the Abs + A$$ are part of the core.

Collectively core muscles form a structural cylinder that supports the body + enables movement.

The muscles of the Inner Core Unit are our stabilizers + the Outer Core Unit muscles are responsible for moving.

Holding any posture then adding movement maintains engagement + activation in both the inner + outer units simultaneously.

The Abs + A$$ workouts are short but focused for maximum gains in these targeted areas. This movement methodology is ideal to prepare your body for life, as much as it is to tighten + pop your curves.

Boom. Boom. POW.